Civic Integration 

Find a school close by
You want to integrate and you are searching for a suitable school. Only if you sign up for a school with the Blik op Werk accreditation, you can borrow money from DUO (part of Dutch Ministry of Education).


Blik op Werk pays utmost attention to ensure the range of information on this website is as complete, correct, current and accessible as possible. We aim to keep the site as simple and user-friendly as possible. The site is therefore constantly updated.
No rights can be derived from the information on this website. Stichting Blik op Werk takes no responsibility for the consequences of using the information on its website.


The prices listed on this website are exclusive of VAT, unless stated otherwise.


Blik op Werk handles visitors’ personal data with the utmost care. Blik op Werk at all times complies with the Personal Data Protection Act and the requirements stipulated therein.

Stichting Blik op Werk
Postbus 2707
3500 GS Utrecht

For complaints about a school
Send an email to: Or call 030 3030 645 (on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday from 1 pm to 4 pm )

For general questions

Send an email to

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